Price $35
Publisher Addison-Wesley / Dynamic Software (1995)
352 pages, 350 illustrations
ISBN 0-201-62630-6, DSB-6
Fractal Exploration on the Macintosh is a profusely illustrated book/disk set which examines the inner workings of fractals, focusing on numerous fractal types and their relationship to the scientific world. Readers will find non-technical discussions on fractals, and where they may be found; in the human body, music, architecture of African settlements, art, plant structures, cosmology, fashions and even pop culture. Explanations are given of linear fractals, the Mandelbrot set ( non-linear ), Newton's method, aggregate growth, random fractals, and chaos theory. The book includes algorithms with many visual examples and a user's manual for FractaSketch and MandelMovie, along with a limited demo versions of the two programs. It also teaches the intricacies of programming fractal algorithms, and how to incorporate your fractals into existing applications.
Price $15 per book
Publisher Aerial Press
ISBN 0-942344-00-6, DSB-1, DSB-2, DSB-3
Part l: Periodic Behavior, 4-color, 220 pages and 342 illustrations.
Develops simple limit sets in historical context. Forced pendulum of Duffing,
forced oscillator of van der Pol.
Part ll: Chaotic Behavior, 2-color, 137 pages and 170 illustrations. Chaotic limit sets and attractors of theory and of experiment. Poincaré, Birkhoff, Lorenz and Rössler examples in detail.
Part lll: Global Behavior, 2-color, 123 pages and 136 illustrations. Develops full, global portrait of a dynamical system, basins, and separatrices. Generic properties, structural stability, fractal microstructure.
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