Dynamic Software P.O. Box 13991 Berkeley, California 94701
Phone (510) 644 0139 Fax (510) 540 4838
Send any questions or problems regarding this service to webmaster@wahl.org.
This project was produced by Dynamic Software, Berkeley, California, by Bernt Wahl and Peter van Roy with help from The Dynamic Software Group. Please email webmaster@wahl.org with any suggestions, comments or feedback! Dynamic Software retains the copyright, ©1995 to all names, text and images used. Images and text may only be used for limited non-commercial use with proper credit given or with written permission from The Dynamic Software Company. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Backgrounds are supplied by Jhane Barnes Inc. and The Dynamic Software Company and may only be used with their permission. .
Global Web Works Center
the Dynamic Software site is still under construction so there are some
features that still have not been implemented, thanks for your patience.